Pressure continues to mount for the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Nigel Dharamlall to be fired or suspended from the National Assembly over what the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) calls “Sexual harassment” of women in the National Assembly. The Minister seems to be digging a deeper hole for himself by being entangled in another scandal.
On Thursday February 17, 2022 the Minister in a post on his Facebook page called on the police in Linden to arrest and charge an elderly Lindener who was photographed back in 2011 cleaning up the Linden boat landing. “Guyana Police Force please take action against this person who is dumping garbage in Linden. Here is the evidence of the deliberate plot by APNU+AFC to nasty our country,” said Dharamlall in the post.

However, Regional Chairman of Region 10 Deron Adams responded, “Nigel try another stroke, that old one of staging dirty pics won’t work. Your hypocrisy and duplicity are on show here. Linden residents can recognize what that area looks like now and so we know now that this old pic you manufactured from years ago is not our reality. Shame on you!” Our publication has learnt that the man accused of littering by the embattled Minister was actually cleaning up the area at the time the photo was taken.
Adams further urged the Minister to give the people’s municipality the resources to keep the town clean and stop playing cheap political tricks with the money, spending millions on one-day photo ops.” During the National Budget considerations and while at the microphone, Minister Dharamlall told the Opposition MP that she needs a “dildo”.
This forced the GHRA to release a statement this weeks, stating that the remarks constitutes sexual harassment of both the MP in question and indirectly of all female MPs who had to sit and listen to such degrading statement. Adding their voices to the condemnation, also, is the Women and Gender Equality Commission, Help and Shelter, A New and United Guyana and the APNUAFC Coalition, all calling for Dharamlall to be removed from his position as a Government Minister and MP.
Source: Credible Sources